Learning HTML by yourself

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14/11/2011 17:49

F - Image Mapping

  https://www.etips.net/tutorials/html/frames.html     Client Side Image Maps - How to add an image map to your page Image maps aren't as bad as they seem, at least if you use a client side image map using HTML rather than a cgi program. I may add a section on using a...


14/11/2011 17:32

E - Video continuing

As in the last lesson we touched a bit on putting in the code for a video.  Below is a more complete explanation of the    Embed Tag Reference   Attributes Examples Discription Autostart true...


11/11/2011 19:19

1 - DIV elements

  html - div element(s) The <div> tag is nothing more than a container for other tags. Much like the body tag, Div elements are block elements and work behind the scenes grouping other tags together. Use only the following attributes with your div element,...


11/11/2011 19:06

E1 - Embedding Video in your site.

Very simple with youtube.  There is a button that says to embed.  It puts the video in an iform (something you already know about).   Click on the "share button under the video. Then click on the embed button and the code will come up for you to put on your page.  See...


11/11/2011 19:04

C - Audio File

Put one in with a player, volume control, and autostart.    /6 marks.


11/11/2011 18:53

D - Putting in an Audio file.

You can put in music to any web site but when you do that you need to put a controller on it.  Below is the code to put in a song called my song.  It only has the song, nothing else.  The code word embed does it.   <embed src="my song.mid"...


11/11/2011 18:11

C - IFrames

IFrame elements is used in HTML 4 and new ones or HTML 5.  Below is a list of elements for 4.01 scr - the URL that will go into the IFrame. height - the height of the window the file will go intol width - the width of the same window. name - the name of the window These...


11/11/2011 18:10

B - InFrames or IFrames.

Create a page with an IFrame in your page, with a scroller.   5 marks.


11/11/2011 17:44

A - Frames

Frames are on pages where the links are on your left, and when you click on the link, the right side of the page changes with a new HTML page.  It is used for content to appear on one side and links on the other.  With CSS and PHP, frames are no longer used, but still, it's great to try...


11/11/2011 17:32

9 & 10 Color

  There are 3 different ways to set color.  The simplest besting the the word itself.  There is: black hellow gray green red maroon lime olive silver aqua blue navy white purple fuchsia and teal The second way to...
